New Engines Delivered
By Ramsey Fire Department
December 30, 2013

The two new Pierce engines arrived in Ramsey on 12/13 and are now in the process of being put in service. The members of the Fire Department would like to thank the Town Council for their hard work and support during the process of purchasing these new trucks. These engines will be in service by February 1 and are replacing our 1987 Mack and 1984 E-One, both which served the borough and its residents well. We fully expect the new Pierce engines to serve the borough equally well and are looking forward to getting them in service. You'll also notice that they're red, the traditional firetruck color. After nearly 40 years of green firetrucks, the Department decided to change back to its original color. The color of the new engines matches exactly the color of our 1927 American LaFrance.