Monday night Training with the RFD
By Ex-Chief Louis Warnet Jr.
March 26, 2024

Last night the RFD took advantage of an acquired structure slated to be torn down to practice some skills. 2 stations were set up both on the interior and exterior. Tower 441 was set up to practice removing victims from a window into the bucket. A team was set up inside and a team was placed in the bucket. Using the 185 pound mannequin, a team inside would lift the patient up and transfer it into the bucket with assistance from the team in the bucket. The second station was practicing the (VES) “Vent, enter, search” procedure. Members were instructed to enter the second floor via ground ladder, and perform a quick search of the room and exit using the ground ladder. The members were rotated out and were able to perform each task.
As the opportunity comes up, members use these buildings to better their skills be better prepared for a real incident. As nicer weather approaches, the RFD takes advantage and is out training on all aspects of the job. The RFD encourages anyone who would like to join the ranks, please fill out the form on the front page of the website.